低温科学研究所 生物適応研究室


Join Us!

The Plant Adaptation Biology Lab welcomes international graduate students who have studied a variety of disciplines. At Hokkaido University, nearly 1,500 international students are currently studying various subjects including Biology and Agriculture. Among them, there are more than 800 Chinese students, 150 Korean students, and the remaining students come from all over the world. At the present time, international students from China and India are currently engaged in the study of photosynthesis and other metabolic pathways of plants in our laboratory. Although learning the Japanese language will certainly help with your daily life in Japan, it is not an essential requirement to learn photosynthetic biology and to communicate in the lab. Please do not hesitate to knock the door!

General information for enrollment at Hokkaido University is available at https://www.global.hokudai.ac.jp. Specific information explaining the application process to the Graduate School of Environmental Science is available at the web site of the graduate school. If you need additional information, please contact Ryouichi Tanaka.


Dr. Ryouichi TANAKA (Professor)
TEL&FAX +81 11 706 5493
rtanaka (AT) lowtem.hokudai.ac.jp

Dr. Kiyomi Ono (Assistant Professor)
TEL +81 11 706 5469
kiyomion (AT) pop.lowtem.hokudai.ac.jp

Dr. Atsushi TAKABAYASHI (Assistant Professor)
TEL +81 11 706 5469
takabayashi (AT) lowtem.hokudai.ac.jp

Dr. Hisashi ITO (Assistant Professor)
TEL +81 11 706 5469
ito98 (AT) pop.lowtem.hokudai.ac.jp


Replace (AT) with @ before you send a message.