News Archives
2017-03-14NewsKouhei won the best thesis prize at the Master thesis presentation. Congratulations!
2017-01-16NewsTwo of Xueyun’s papers were published in Plant J!
2016-12-01NewsAtsushi's paper was published in Plant Cell Physiol !
2016-12-01NewsKaori's paper on Mg-dechelatase was published in Plant Physiol Biochem!
2016-09-28NewsYousuke's paper on Mg-dechelatase was published in Plant Cell !
2016-07-13NewsAtsushi's paper was published in Scientific Reports!
2016-07-12NewsJia's paper on photosystems was published in Planta !
2016-04-06NewsMotoshi's paper on photosystems was published in Plant Cell Physiol !
2016-02-10NewsKaori and Ting successfully defended their dissertations. Congratulations, Drs. Takahashi and Jia!
2015-10-02NewsRei's paper on chlorophyll b reductase was published in Photosyn Res!